Monthly Archives: October 2021

Tax pros should renew PTINs now for the upcoming filing season

The IRS reminds all active federal tax return preparers they must renew their Preparer Tax Identification Numbers now for 2022. All current PTINs will expire December 31, 2021.

Anyone who prepares or helps prepare a federal tax return for compensation must have a valid PTIN from the IRS. They need to include the PTIN on any return filed with the IRS. Tax preparers must pay a fee of $35.95 to renew or get a PTIN for 2022. This fee is non-refundable, and preparers must pay the exact amount to complete the PTIN process. Continue reading

Here’s what taxpayers should know about backup withholding

Backup withholding ensures that the government is paid the correct amount of taxes on specific types of payments reported on certain Forms 1099 and W-2G.

Here are some facts about backup withholding.           

Backup withholding is required on certain non-payroll amounts when certain conditions apply.
The payer making such payments to the payees does not generally withhold taxes, and the payees report and pay taxes on this income when they file their federal tax returns. There are, however, situations when the payer is required to withhold a certain percentage of tax to make sure the IRS receives the tax due on this income. Continue reading

Here’s how people can become an IRS-certified volunteer

The IRS and its community partners encourage people to make a difference in communities across the country by becoming an IRS-certified volunteer. These volunteers will help taxpayers file their tax returns during the upcoming tax season.

  • Volunteer Income Tax Assistance offers free tax return preparation to eligible taxpayers who generally earn $58,000 or less, people with disabilities and limited English-speaking taxpayers.
  • Tax Counseling for the Elderly is mainly for people age 60 or older. Although the program focuses on tax issues unique to seniors, most taxpayers can usually get free assistance. Many sites in the TCE program are operated through AARP Foundation Tax-Aide.

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Complete Federal Excise Taxes Electronically At

Every business that deals with services or goods that has excise taxes included on it have to complete the IRS Tax Form 720 to pay the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax returns. As the name refers this Excise Taxes are reported quarterly and the taxes are collected mostly from the buys by the businesses and paid to the IRS.

Excise taxes are taxes that are imposed on various goods, services and activities. Such taxes may be imposed on the manufacturer, retailer or consumer, depending on the specific tax. Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return, is available for optional electronic filing. Make your move and join millions of taxpayers enjoying the convenience and ease of online filing, immediate acknowledgement of receipt and faster service. is the first of its kind product that support electronic filing for all the Federal Excise Taxes at one place.

Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Reporting

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Understanding taxpayer rights: The right to finality

Taxpayers interacting with the IRS have the right to finality. This right comes into play for taxpayers who are going through an audit. These taxpayers have the right to know when the IRS has finished the audit. This is one of ten basic rights — known collectively as the Taxpayer Bill of Rights.

Here’s what taxpayers in the process of an audit, should know about their right to finality:

  • Taxpayers have the right to know:
    • The maximum amount of time they have to challenge the IRS’s position.
    • The maximum amount of time the IRS has to audit a particular tax year or collect a tax debt.
    • When the IRS has finished an audit.

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Check On Your Friends – Ellen Voie


My son’s close friend and future business partner ended their relationship when he recently took his own life.  They had been buddies for many years and were both passionate about working on their cars together.  They were in the early stages of forming a partnership to build a shop to diagnose and fix automotive issues.  My son was devasted.  Andrew was only 29.

A few days later a good friend of mine lost his young son to suicide.  Patrick was a former Marine who had served for five years.  When he ended his life, he was employed as a truck driver at the same carrier with his dad.   What can you say to someone who is burying a 24-year-old child?

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Farmers and ranchers affected by drought have additional time to replace livestock

Farmers and ranchers who were forced to sell livestock due to drought may get extra time to replace the livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales. Here are some facts about this to help farmers understand how the deferral works and if they are eligible.

  • The one-year extension gives eligible farmers and ranchers until the end of the tax year after the first drought-free year to replace the sold livestock.
  • The farmer or rancher must be in an applicable region. An applicable region is a county designated as eligible for federal assistance, as well as counties contiguous to that county.
  • The farmer’s county, parish, city or district included in the applicable region must be listed as suffering exceptional, extreme or severe drought conditions by the National Drought Mitigation Center. All or part of 36 states and one U.S. territory are listed. The list of applicable regions is in Notice 2021-55 on

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