Are You Following Us On Social Media? If No, Read Through:

For most of us here, social media has become a very important routine of our lives. It has taken our live for a toll, which was totally unexpected. Internet became a mainstream in the year 1998 and since then, our world is changed online. We follow people; we share our word of wisdom and secretly feel happy about the list of followers, viewers and comment we receive. We wake up with these worlds and end our day with them. They are more like a breathing tool for us and thus, they hold the nerve of our lives. Everything that happens in the world are updated on the social media and following them online is the most easiest of the lot, even if you are sitting at the other corner of the world.

What are we talking here? Nothing important, just getting updated about social media., a prime product of ThinkTrade Inc the online efiling service provider is available on the social media platforms and if you wish to stay connected with us for more updates and information, you know where to come. We as a product are not literally into marketing, or grabbing more customers to our product Tax2290. Not to mention, we have already grabbed our share of customers and their loyalty, which is in return keeping us full each day.

Each day, we have returning users and new audience dropping by to our website and register with us to file their first time used vehicles and return back when they have to file form 2290 for the renewals. It is indeed a proud moment for all of us that despite of our existence since years together, we have new customers dropping by, sharing a hint of trust and belief on our product, Tax2290.

When we started, we had no perfect mediums to market our product. Yes, social media was on fire but mo mediums, no blogs, no articles. We merely started with the hope that people will notice our presence and drop by. We ran the show on word-of-mouth. And in no time, we had millions of viewer, filers and questioning audience, sorting out all they need. We believe in keeping you all updated and engaged with new offers, new products and new information. Being trucking the most important and popular industry in the States, each day, there are thousands of truckers joining the club, with a learner license and dealing hard with the changes. And they have to stay alert about tax filing season and grab information about first time used vehicles. We are using the social media as a tool to keep our new truck buddies well aware about the road trips, important information and everything about tax.

Our Facebook page and twitter handle is filled with memorable, fun and interesting info, offers and promotions for truckers and who wish to efile their tax return. We promise you, we will not let you bore down to death.

We are not asking you to follow us, or like us at Facebook, or retweet or tweets. We don’t want to forcefully do something you are not happy with. If you wish to, you are most welcome. But if you don’t, you know you can follow us without liking us on FB. All we want to tell you is, we have our presence on these mediums, do take a look.

We have three main reasons:

  • Get the latest news by connecting with us on Twitter
  • Like us on Facebook for special offers and exclusive savings
  • Help us shape new product development on our LinkedIn group

So what is the wait for. Do come over; check out Facebook page, and our Twitter handle. If we impress you, you can like us/ follow us and you know what to do next. You can also share information, updates and news you wish to see on our page. We would love to feature them.

For one to one support during business hours, call at 1-866-245-3918 or speak via online chat, or get 24/7 email support at

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About Tax Expert

An e-tax professional at, a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc, my articles will reflect friendly ideologies of my company just like how friendly our e-file tax application is to them. For any queries, reach us @ 866-245-3918 or email us on

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