Nominate a Distinguished Woman in Logistics!

WIT and are seeking nominations for the 2017 Distinguished Woman in Logistics Award (DWLA). The award recognizes the achievements and leadership of outstanding individuals involved in logistics in North America.

As a director on our board, I encourage you to submit a nomination by completing the form at by January 13, 2017.

As you know, our mission includes celebrating the success of women who are pioneers in the industry. The DWLA program is open to high-performing women in any field related to logistics, including warehousing, traffic and shipping, supply chain management, third-party logistics, trucking, rail, and maritime cargo.
The winner of the 2017 DWLA will be announced during the Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA) “Capital Ideas” Conference and Exhibition, April 5-8, 2017, in Las Vegas, Nevada.

For additional information regarding the nomination process, contact Lana by emailing or calling (920) 737-9490.

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