Tag Archives: April 30 Due Date

IRS Answering Questions about Economic Impact Payments

The IRS is issuing Economic Impact Payments. These payments are being issued automatically for most individuals. However, some people who don’t usually file a tax return will need to submit basic information to the IRS to receive their payment.

Questions? The IRS is regularly updating the Economic Impact Payment and the Get My Payment tool frequently asked questions pages on IRS.gov as more information becomes available. Here are answers to some of the most common questions.

Federal Excise Tax eFiling
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Just a week left to complete your Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Returns

The Federal Excise Tax returns are reported at the end of a quarterly with the IRS through the Tax Form 720. This excise tax return is now due for the 1st Quarter of 2018, April 30th is the last date to report it. You could prepare and report it online through http://TaxExcise.com, the only website that supports electronic filing for all the federal excise tax returns.

Along with the Federal Excise Tax returns, IFTA Fuel Tax returns reports on your heavy motor vehicles for  the 1st Quarter is also due in this April, 30. Prepare it online, print them to file it manually with your state authorities.

Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Reporting

Why TaxExcise.com?

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