Tag Archives: OTA 2290

Ohio Trucking Association Members, Grab 20% OFF on Form 2290!

Ohio Trucking Association (OTA) was formed to promote and protect the interests of the trucking industry in Ohio. www.Taxexcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – Products of ThinkTrade Inc has enrolled itself as an Allied member of Ohio Trucking Association (OTA). The Ohio Trucking Association, founded in 1918, is one of the oldest nonprofit, full-service trade associations in the U.S.

www.Taxexcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – Products of ThinkTrade Inc, the ONLY DECADE OLD & First Ever IRS Authorized E-file service Provider for E-filing Heavy Vehicle use Tax Form 2290, has joined hands with OTA as an Allied Member to serve the hard working Truckers associated with Ohio Trucking Association. We are the First Ever IRS Authorized E-file Service Provider For E-filing HVUT; E-filing saves a lot of Time and hard earned money for Truckers and Trucking Companies. Continue reading