Members of the small business community can now view webinars on some tax reform provisions that affect businesses. The webinars include:
- Tax Reform Basics for Employers
This presentation includes information on the Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave, Employee Achievement Awards, Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits and more. - Tax Reform Basics for Small Businesses and Pass-Through Entities
This presentation gives an overview of tax reform changes for small businesses and pass-through entities. It also includes changes to estimated taxes, deductions and depreciation. - Tax Reform Basics for the Qualified Business Income Deduction (199A)
This presentation gives an overview of businesses eligible for the Qualified Business Income Deduction under Section 199A. It also shows calculations and basics for reporting. - Understanding Tax Reform Basics about Opportunity Zones
This presentation defines Qualified Opportunity Zones and explains what’s required to become a Qualified Opportunity Zone.
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