Truckers, owner operators and heavy haulers need to report vehicle use tax Form 2290 on vehicles put to use on public highways. IRS Form 2290 is used to report and pay Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT. You must file Form 2290 with Schedule 1 annually if a taxable highway motor vehicle, in this case any heavy vehicle weighing 55,000 lbs or more, is registered in your name in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.

The highway use tax (HVUT Form 2290) applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. 2290 tax returns must be filed and tax payments must be paid by August. 31st for the heavy motor vehicles used on the road during July. The deadline generally applies to Form 2290 and the accompanying tax payment for the tax year that begins July 1, 2020, and ends June 30, 2021. For motor vehicles first used after July, the deadline is the last day of the month following the month of first use.
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