A very warm welcome, truckers. Today, we decided to talk about the scenarios we would come across during the tax season. The very first scenario for the blog is, filing taxes at the last minute. Well, yes, most of us have the tendency to delay filing taxes. Thanks to our tight schedule. However, we never encourage our customers to file and pay their form 2290 at the last minute, as it is not such a clever idea to do so.
We are truckers, we trade time, and we trade goods. And apparently, we really have no time to wait at IRS office to submit form 2290 in order to receive schedule 1 copy, says Mrs. Jones. She is a former women trucker, contributed much to the industry. She says, “We always face three types of scenario when it comes to Taxes. We either pay taxes with penalties, we pay at the last minute or we efile form 2290”. Paying with penalties and paying last minute is a usual tribute in our list. However, in last few years, I was efiling taxes to cut short my workload and of course, penalties. And today, I recommend every trucker to file form 2290 electronically.
Efiling is our rescue partner, however, you need to be sure about the information you are keying in. The best part about efiling is that you receive your schedule 1 copy in minutes, let alone the error check and calculations done by the application itself.
All you need to do is, register/ log into your account. Provide the information about your vehicles, miles covered and the first month of use. The application would do the calculation and error check before you transmit the return to IRS. You can also pay your dues online with security at your bay. We duly understand the information you are sharing with us. Hence, we have updated the security levels for our application, leaving no trace of your bank details.
Again, we would like to keep our taxpayers informed that filing at the last minute only invites hassles and things may not go the way we are preceding. However, we do not deny that there are scenarios, which pop up, leaving you helpless. However, bear in mind that virtual traffic do exist. And if there is a delay in submission of application or any other issue pops up, you will land up paying penalties.
So if you want to stay on safer grounds, file at least one week before the due date.
Tax2290.com, a prime product of ThinkTrade Inc. is hosting a fantastic offer for taxpayers, to distract late or last minute filing. This offer is valid till 13th of July, which leaves only 3 days in hand to enjoy 10% discount on your efiling service fee. Apply the coupon code “FREEDOM14” and pay your respect.
Other than that, we are sure you can always seek help of our Tax Experts in order to say in track of taxes. Simply call us @ 1-866-245-3918 or write your queries to us and send it to support@taxexcise.com.