Monthly Archives: July 2015

How you can find success before breakfast!

Author Laura Vanderkam has written numerous books about the traits of successful people. She claims the “key to making myself happy is NOT to be a perfectionist.” In fact, she has researched the traits of successful women and how much time they devote to their careers.

The author was surprised to discover that women who work an average of 35 hours per week earn about $37,000 per year. However, the women in her study who earned in excess of six figures annually averaged 44 hours per week. That’s only a nine-hour per week difference for an almost threefold increase in salary.
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Efiling 2015-16 Queries Addressed for Our Loyal Customers

Since the tax season 2015-16 has already dropped into our calendars, we see, many customers are coming online and trying a hand in filing form 2290, however, some of them are stuck with the unwiring questions surrounded. So here comes few set of questions to let you going till the weekend. Continue reading

Silvia Chavez • WIT July Member of the Month

Silvia Chavez • WIT July Member of the Month

Plover, WI (July 1)—Women In Trucking Association has announced Silvia Chavez as its July Member of the Month. Silvia is described as being a powerhouse of a woman. She is an Army National Guard veteran, having served six years as a medic. When her husband on active-duty had to relocate for work, the two picked up and moved from Fort Leonard Wood, MO to Fort Knox, KY.

“I’d constantly run across advertisements for CDL drivers,” said Silvia. “So I figured, why not? I got my license and training, and before I knew it, I was an over-the-road driver.” Continue reading