Understanding taxpayer rights: The right to appeal an IRS decision in an independent forum

Taxpayers have the right to appeal an IRS decision in an independent forum. This is one of ten basic rights — known collectively as the Taxpayer Bill of Rights — that all taxpayers have when working with the IRS.

The IRS’s Independent Office of Appeals that handles a taxpayer’s case must be separate from the IRS office that initially reviewed that case. Generally, Appeals will not discuss a case with the IRS to the extent that those communications appear to compromise the independence of Appeals.

Tax2290 for HVUT eFiling

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IRS updates feature on ‘Where’s My Refund?’ Taxpayers can now track refunds for past two years

Very excited to share the recent IRS announcement under IR-2022-109, on May 25, 2022 about the new feature updated on “Where is My Refund?” online tool. As an IRS authorized electronic tax filing service provider, we always come across many questions about the taxpayers refunds and this article adds more light to the subject.

The Internal Revenue Service made an important enhancement to the “Where’s My Refund?” online tool this week, introducing a new feature that allows taxpayers to check the status of their current tax year and two previous years’ refunds. Taxpayers can select any of the three most recent tax years to check their refund status. They’ll need their Social Security number or ITIN, filing status and expected refund amount from the original filed tax return for the tax year they’re checking.

Tax2290 for HVUT eFiling

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Promoting Safety and Prevent Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the Trucking Industry

Recently the Department of Labor held a “Day of Action” to promote safety and address these issues in the trucking industry. Since our inception in 2007, our mission has included the goal to address obstacles that might keep women from entering the trucking industry, or from succeeding in a transportation role.   For over fifteen years the Women In Trucking Association has already been addressing the subject of sexual harassment and sexual assault against professional drivers.  

May 16 Due Date for Form 8868
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Valuable tax benefits for members of the military

Members of the military may qualify for tax benefits not available to civilians. For example, they don’t have to pay taxes on some types of income. Special rules may lower the tax they owe or allow them more time to file and pay their federal taxes.

Here are some of these special tax benefits:

• Combat pay exclusion: If someone serves in a combat zone, part or all of their pay is tax-free. This also applies to people working in an area outside a combat zone when the Department of Defense certifies that area is in direct support of military operations in a combat zone. There are limits to this exclusion for commissioned officers.


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Here are the different ways people can pay their federal taxes

The April 18 deadline for individuals to file and pay their federal income tax is just around the corner. While paying taxes is not optional, the IRS offers a variety of ways for people to pay their taxes.

C-Corp Businesses have until April 18, 2022 to complete a tax return and pay the taxes. When need additional time to report the tax return, the IRS grants automatic extension of time upto 6-months when you complete IRS Extension Tax Form 7004 by the actual due date. https://ExtensionTax.com support electronic filing for C-corps to receive extension of time in 3 simple steps, instantly. Likewise the Personal Extension Tax Form 4868 is also due on April 18. Act fast to push your federal tax deadlines from April 18 to October 17, today!.

April 18 Personal  Extension Tax Due Date

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Reasons why some tax refunds filed electronically take longer than 21 days

Even though the Internal Revenue Service issues most refunds in less than 21 days for taxpayers who filed electronically and chose direct deposit, some refunds may take longer.

Many different factors can affect the timing of a refund after the IRS receives a return. A  manual review may be necessary when a return has errors, is incomplete or is affected by identity theft or fraud.

Form 7004 – Corporate Income Extension Tax is Due on April 18.
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IRS Free File can make tax season easier on people filing for the first time

Many people will be filing federal tax returns for the first time this year. This includes people who don’t normally file and now need to file a 2021 return to claim a recovery rebate credit or reconcile advance payments of the child tax credit. For these taxpayers, IRS Free File may be the perfect solution.

For eligible individuals who want to prepare their own taxes, IRS Free File features electronic tax preparation software providers. This program provides free tax preparation, free electronic filing and free direct deposit, which is the fastest way to get a refund. People can also directly access IRS Free File from their mobile device using the  app.


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Are men and women different?

Before you read the title and jump to a conclusion, I want to start by saying that I hope you agree that we are all different. It’s not just about gender, but it encompasses so much more, such as age, ethnicity, and both mental and physical attributes.

However, I would also like you to think about why we sometimes continue to treat everyone the same by avoiding conversations that showcase our differences.

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Taxpayer Experience Office formally established to improve service across the IRS

As part of a longer-term effort to improve taxpayer service, the IRS has officially established the first-ever Taxpayer Experience Office and will soon begin taking additional steps to expand the effort.

“As the IRS continues taking immediate steps this filing season including adding more employees to address the significant challenges facing a resource-constrained IRS, it’s critical that we work going forward to equip the IRS to be a 21st century resource for Americans,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig. “The formal establishment of this office will help unify and expand efforts across the IRS to improve service to taxpayers.”

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IRS issues FAQs for Tax Year 2021 Earned Income Tax Credit

The Internal Revenue Service issued frequently asked questions (FAQs) for the 2021 Earned Income Tax Credit to educate eligible taxpayers on how to properly claim the credit when they prepare and file their 2021 tax return.

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low- to moderate-income workers and families in the form of a credit to either reduce the taxes owed or an added payment to increase a tax refund. The amount of the credit may change if the taxpayer has children, dependents, are disabled or meet other criteria.


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