Tag Archives: 2290 due on August 31

Last few days to claim 10% off on your efile fee apply code FRIENDSHIP

Sometimes in life we find a person who take a very special place in our heart and become so important in our lives. They take care of us even at any situation and shares emotions and feelings that called best friends. We always need to cherish our friendship with our best friends this Friendship Day is celebrated on Sunday, 5th of August.

Make your friend feel extra-special and strengthen your bonding with him/her by sharing with them a special discount code “FRIENDSHIP” to avail flat 10% OFF on 2290 efiling at TaxExcise.com.

Happy Friendship Day - 10% OFF to efile 2290

Friendship founded on business is always better than business founded on friendship!

Life is not about the quantity of friends you have. it is the quality of the friends you have! we wish every one out there a Happy Friendship Day… Keep rocking #Truckers. I’m so grateful to have a trucker friend and I’m gone share this with him and help him avail extra love and care.

Time to renew 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax

Less time left to renew Federal Vehicle Use Tax Form 2290 with the IRS by paying  the HVUT taxes in full. August 31 is the deadline and act fast, renew it by reporting your 2290 electronically. TaxExcise.com and Tax2290.com, the best website to e-file, save your time and effort. Apply code FRIENDSHIP to avail a flat 10% off on your efile fee, valid till 5th of August.


Flat 15% OFF for Special User on your 2290 E-file fee!

Attention Truckers! the heavy vehicle use taxes reported and paid on IRS Tax Form 2290 is due now and August 31. is the last date to file. Form 2290 and Schedule-1 copy is a must to register or renew your heavy vehicle with the state and federal authorities for this new tax year 2016-17.

Special Discount OFF – 15% FLAT on your 2290 E-file Fee

For all those who are regular in reading our blogs here is a surprise offer, avail flat 15% OFF* on your Form 2290, Truck Tax return e-file fee. This is valid till August 30. Act fast and Save Big!

Tax2290 app is for the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax payers to e-file IRS Tax Form 2290.

This 15% flat off is applicable for all 2290, truck tax filers, irrespective of the package you choose. Hurry up the dead line is fast approaching and mark your calendar August 31 is the last date. Don’t miss this WoW offer from us, e-file your 2290 tax returns today!

Electronic filing for 2290

For heavy vehicles that is first used on a public highway during July, file Form 2290 and pay the appropriate tax between July 1 and Aug. 31. You must e-file your Form 2290 if you are filing for 25 or more vehicles, however IRS encourages electronic filing (e-filing) for anyone required to file Truck Tax Form 2290 and who wants to receive their IRS stamped/watermarked Schedule 1 proof instantly. With e-file, you’ll get it almost immediately once IRS accepts your e-filed Form 2290.

2290 Call Support

We’re here to take care of your 2290 truck tax needs, call us and talk to our experts at Toll Free (866) 245 – 3918 for all your 2290 questions. Our lines are open from 8:00 AM EST to 7:00 PM EST, we’re open during the weekends to help you through your filing process. Write to us at support@taxexcise.com, for instant reply; you may also connect with us for a quick chat at http://TaxExcise.com.