Tag Archives: extension of time

Tips for Getting Unclaimed 2014 Tax Refunds

IRS in its recent issue (Issue Number: IR-2018-83) has highlighted that refunds worth $1 billion is still unclaimed for tax year 2014… here is the complete message from them. Read it here 

Further to that IRS has also highlighted in its Tax Tips (Issue Number:    IRS Tax Tip 2018-53) for Getting Unclaimed 2014 Tax Refunds.

The IRS reminds taxpayers they may have money waiting for them. About 1 million taxpayers who did not file a 2014 federal income tax return have unclaimed tax refunds totaling about $1.1 billion. Here are some things taxpayers should know about these unclaimed refunds: Continue reading

Form 8868- Extension Of Time To File An Exempt Organization Return

Serving the nation is noble job; the nobility is showcased through paying taxes. Every individual staying in America is suppose to file their taxes by the due date. And if they are not ready with their paper work, IRS provides them with extension of time to prepare their documents. However, we always assume that government and exempt organizations are free from taxes as they belong to the Government and they really have nothing to do with taxes. Continue reading

E-File IRS Form 7004 For an Extension on Corporate Income Taxes

Most of the corporate tax payers do not find time to file their tax returns within the deadline stated by IRS. They may own a small or large organization but; they cannot stay away from filing their tax returns.   Being busy all the time, most corporate business owners forget about filing tax returns on time. Such business tax payers can request for an extension of time to file taxes to IRS. Continue reading