Monthly Archives: July 2013

Release Your Excess Weight with Rebounders

Being a trucker is not an easy as we speak. A combination of will power, strength to deal with the incoming stress, dealing with DOT inspections and managing personal life and professional on the same track and much more is all about truckers. Although, weight is one major deal in truckers, staying fit is not impossible with the process of regular exercise, and without saying, nutritious food for a healthy stay. Obesity only welcomes more issues and physical problems and not to mention, illness for lifetime.

We know you are the busiest people on earth, working day and night, fighting the cold, bearing the heat and what not. But you need to take some time out of your schedule to take care of yourself with exercises with new, portable equipments.

Rebounders are one such equipment for truckers to maintain their weight, stay fit and healthy to ensure they are on the right track. Yes, there is a crowd who are ignorant about but no more. This article throws light how Rebounders will help you in framing your world of etiquette.

What are Rebounders

Rebounders are basically mini-trampolines built in order to maintain health and a person’s physic. They range in diameter from 38 inches to 44 inches and are built on frames with legs that stand from 10 inches through 14 inches high. They are double-sided reinforced bands, strong mats and high caliber springs which serve the trucker with a good joint friendly experience. Among them, some are portable with folded legs or frames for convenience storage experience. All you need is strong will power to cut down the extra ounce of weight through Rebounding. Workout can be scheduled anytime of the day, anywhere as per your convenience or at any truck stop including the facilities they are providing. But do make sure you don’t skip it!

Working out on a Rebounder has enormous number of health benefits which are being valued in this fast moving world. It is a cellular exercise opposed to muscular one, strengthening your immune system addressing the benefits lymphatic system receives through workout. Every cell in your body would become stronger and benefit you with an excellent weight loss program in no less time.

Healthy bounce is one exercise which will allow you to benefit your lymph system and burn calories with healthy and easy recipes. This bounce is not to jump in the air and land up on the rebounder but simple bounces on the mat, without letting your feet leaving the feel. Continue for 5 minutes and gradually increase the time for the workout. You will get used to it.

Go with aerobic exercises including walking, jogging and running movements on a rebounder, allowing you to reduce easily. Some prefer turning the volume high and dancing on a rebounder. It is fun and makes weight deduction an easy deal for trucks. If you are working out for ten minutes simulated walking on a rebounder is equal to 30 minutes of jogging, providing no damage to musculoskeletal system.

Well, rebounding is known and famous for its effective and beneficial workout plan. So you are in safe hands truckers, just that you need to take your time out to for beneficial workout. It’s time to invest in some good quality Rebounders to stay fit and to bounce off the extra ounce of fat out.

However, other than taking care of yourself, there is a big responsibility to be fulfilled time to time in order to move your truck on a public highway smoothly. HVUT is the tax which needs to be filed on year basis for the miles and weight covering by your truck.

Methods for filing your form 2290 HVUT return can be done in two methods, one is paper filing and other is e-filing. E-filing is the easiest, simplest and the smartest choice of tax filers. The filing does not consume much of your time and you get your schedule-1 copy in minutes.

Come and e-file with, the first IRS Certified Service Provider affiliated to serve your needs in every possible manner. Come in and join hands with us to enjoy exclusive offers provided for tax payers and filers. Days are flying by, if you have not filed your form 2290 HVUT return, then file it today with ease and enjoy the smooth transaction with IRS. We wish every trucker out there to stay fit, exercise with Rebounders.

E-file With & Grab a Chance to Win a Garmin GPS!!

Ever been rewarded for filing and paying taxes? We can hear the BIG “NO”, but surprise is always a part of Loads and Loads to be won, E-file your Form 2290 with and be a Winner. Our customers always smile as they file, avoid those long queues in IRS office.

This time we have decided to gift you with a companion that will help you not to get lost. After an extended research and survey conducted by with more than 15,000 Truckers we have zeroed it down to a brand new Garmin 4” GPS device. Truckers spend most of their time on the road and having a GPS device can help them reach any place with ease. Garmin a leading name in the GPS industry used by many people in the U.S. has several interesting features to impress anybody. So, if you really want to explore what the device actually offers, here’s a chance to get it for free.

So, do not wait anymore and let this wonderful opportunity slip out of your hands. E-file now and be a winner. “Follow your heart, Not the crowd” is the first ever IRS certified e-file service provider. The Best always remains the best; rest all will be a passing cloud and will go with the wind. Be a winner Efile your Form 2290 now and never get lost.

Tyrone Malone- The Innovated Trucker

Tyrone Malone- The Innovated Trucker

Tyrone, a well know trucker, spent 20 years of his life on the road. For 17 of them, he worked with Bandag, one of the largest international haulage companies. In 1963, he came up with a new, bizarre and ultimate plan to bring in a change for betterment. One evening while sitting in the bar, he mapped out his plan on a napkin in attempts to cajole his friend, Warren Foletta, nodding his head with his crazy plan.

Story of the Whales and Trucks:

Tyrone thought of a fantastic idea of combining trucking and marine in order to create awareness with haulage work. Remember his crazy plans? His bizarre thoughts were rotated around a Sperm Whale, freezing it and hauling around the world. And that’s exactly what he did.

Excited Tyrone approached the sea caption and hired his services along with a boat. He also acquired whaling permit from US Department of the Interior to go ahead with this plan. Things were framed in his favors, soon he moving towards his mission.

He zeroed to a 20 ton whale, bought it back to the shore and froze it. Finally loaded it into his truck, it had embark on 30 year haulage work mission that helped him in crossing the world with this little whale, Irvy in tow.

One thing about Tyrone no one would miss, he was a good at salesmanship at heart. He managed to convince sea captains, Governmental Departments and haulage companies to aid him in his mission. And fortunately, everyone did. May be they were witnessing a potentiality in Tyrone. Later, he approached Kenworth, a trucking company, to allow him to use their 1967 10-wheel truck. He built himself a trailer to carry Little Irvy and everything was set.

With time, Tyrone and Little Irvy made their way through the USA, Canada and Europe, halting at fairs and car shows and the magnificent sight of a Sperm Whale in a truck was observed at 35c per view.

Tyrone saw it for the whole family; men enjoyed checking out the truck while the women would not get their sight away from the magnificent marine creature. Things were shaping well, much more to come. His desire of combining the marine life with haulage companies, Tyrone caught cold of hauled 3 sharks, which were frozen and displayed the same like it was for little Ivry.

Tragic End of the Legend:

After attending a meeting at Phoenix to discuss and plan out to create a ‘Trucking Hall of Fame’, Tyron felt asleep when behind the wheels while returning. He tragically left the world and the plans to create a trucking museum he planned to display his trucks and the frozen animals was never given power. All that is left as a testament to Tyrone’s life of brilliant haulage work is the 20 ton frozen whale, Little Irvy.


Address obstacles to encourage women to enter careers in the trucking industry

Part of the mission of Women In Trucking is to address obstacles that might keep women from entering the industry. One of the first questions often asked is, “what are these obstacles?” While there are numerous things that might limit the number of women who consider careers in trucking, the most crucial one is about image. From the outside, we don’t appear to be very female focused.

Not only does the trucking industry have a very male dominated culture, we haven’t always reached out to women to invite them to join us. Look around you at any public event and then start asking the women there if they would like a job as a professional driver, mechanic or safety director. The typical reaction is one of disbelief.

We’ve heard comments ranging from, “I’m not mechanically minded,” to “I’m not strong enough,” to “I can’t drive a stick shift.” While men might often have the same response, our goal is to tell women that they CAN drive, fix, own, sell or dispatch trucks and that the industry wants and needs them.

In addition to getting this message to the potential driver population, we need to show the non-trucking public that women are already doing these jobs – and have been for many years.

How does Women In Trucking Association work toward changing this image? Here are some of the ways we’ve been successful in reaching women who might not have considered a career in the trucking industry.

First, by being a resource about women in the industry, we are often asked for quotes or to contribute to articles in the mainstream media. On many occasions, our staff or members are given the opportunity to appear on television or radio and reach beyond our own trucking community.

In April 2010 Chicago’s CBS Channel 2 interviewed Pat Sterling of Diva Trucking to talk about her status as a minority business owner-operator. In 2007 WIT board member and professional driver, Maggie Peterson, was interviewed for a Wall Street Journal article about truck driving championships. In 2008 WIT member Daren Baird appeared on the Today Show where she gave Meredith Vieira a ride in her big rig.

WIT member Shannon Smith was featured in a book, Hidden America by Jeanne Marie Laska, who read about Smith in an article from Women In Trucking. Oprah included a story about her in the May 2012 O Magazine with a circulation of 2.5 million readers. The article then led to an appearance on the Ricki Lake Show, where Smith gave Ricki a driving lesson aired to nearly 100,000 viewers.

Events such as the “Influential Woman in Trucking Award” sponsored by Navistar provide great exposure for the women in leadership roles in our industry. The annual Salute to Women Behind the Wheel event held each March in Louisville, Kentucky, highlights the accomplishments of hundreds of female professional drivers.

Sporting events give us the chance to reach a greater audience, especially when they are broadcast on national television. In 2010, the LA Sparks held an event to honor Lisa Leslie’s mom, Christine Leslie-Espinoza, who supported Lisa and her siblings as a professional driver. The Minnesota Lynx held a special Women In Trucking night in 2011 and this year the Cleveland Indians hosted a Women In Transportation event during a game against the Texas Rangers.

Sports fans might have seen the Women In Trucking “Salute to the Women Behind the Wheel” commercial that was aired on ESPN during the Humanitarian Bowl in 2010 and the Famous Potato Bowl in 2011.

The WIT President/CEO is often invited to speak at non-trucking industry events, such as the Pinellas Technical College graduation ceremony in Florida. Voie has addressed high school girls in Indiana during a Wider Opportunities for Women day and college aged women at the University of Iowa Logistics Conference. Voie speaks to civic groups such as the Rotary, Lions and Zonta International organizations.

The exposure WIT has brought to the need for more women in transportation careers has resulted in roundtable discussions with regulatory officials and legislators. Recent White House invitations include the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, panel discussions to encourage women to seek careers in transportation, meetings to address harassment issues and joint meetings with the departments of Labor and Education to define skill sets for teenagers to steer them into transportation related jobs.

In July of 2012, Women In Trucking received an award from the White House for being a “Transportation Innovator Champion of Change.” U.S. DOT Secretary LaHood praised the organization for, “thinking outside the box” in promoting careers in the trucking industry to women. This honor gave the WIT mission both credibility and immense exposure on a national level.

The Women In Trucking Association’s reach extends beyond our borders, as speaking invitations come in from officials in other countries trying to attract and retain more women in transportation. Voie shared best practices at the Transport Women Australia conference in Melbourne in 2012 and at the Elmia Lastbil Truck Show in Sweden the same year.

Our Canadian neighbors lag behind the U.S. in the involvement of women in trucking careers, but invite Voie to speak at Logistics Quarterly events, Truck World trade show and exhibit and OTR’s Recruiting and Retention Conferences.

In order to educate women (and men) who are still unfamiliar with the trucking industry and have never considered it as a career, we need to continue to show them that there are already women working as drivers, dispatchers, managers, safety directors and more. We need to help them by changing their perceptions, or their image of these careers. Women In Trucking Association is working hard to do that so we can all benefit from an increased presence of women at all levels in the trucking industry. We invite you to join us in this mission.