Pre File With Tax2290.Com Today!

Not every time life runs the show according to us. There are major twist and turns, which eventually tunes our journey better. However, today, our luck is at its best, providing you the option to pre file form 2290 online with We know it is a relief when you receive your schedule1 copy after filing your return online. However, we have something different to offer you. Though you are safely filing through our servers, IRS do not accept any form 2290 return before July 1st and hence, we would hold upon your returns safely until IRS opens its gateway for filing. And we promise, you will receive your schedule1 copy by July 1st week.

Now if you are wondering why should you prefer pre filing when July 1st is almost nearing your calendar. Yes, you are right. You can always file your return form 2290 after the season drops in; however, you cannot enjoy the 10% discount on efiling service fee by applying the coupon code “LEADOFF14”. We are sure you don’t want to miss this opportunity of cost cutting.

Other than that, obviously, if you have planned your schedule for the coming months, pre filing would be your saver, an all time savior for filing form 2290. You won’t have much time to run to the IRS office and stand in the queue to pay your return. We know you are working hard the whole day.

We have given you many reasons to pre file, however you can also choose you own payment method from the following:

  • Electronic funds withdrawal/ Direct debit
  • Payment Voucher (Check or Money Order)

EFW or Direct Debt is one of the methods you can use to pay your return online. IRS directly debit the dues owe by the taxpayer as agreed. EFTPS is the next method, where you need to own an account to initiate a payment. Visit and follow the procedure. And, the last method is Payment voucher or money order. You need to send in your money order to the IRS.

So, what is the wait for. Reasons are right in front of you, all you need to do is just pick up the reasons and log into our website, or simply register with us if you are new to our website. Click on new return and continue filing like your regular returns with only one difference, the coupon code. Don’t forget to apply the coupon code, you would miss out the magic. is one of the prime products of ThinkTrade Inc. We are simply honored to serve you with the best. For more assistance, do reach our Tax Experts @ 1-866-245-3918 or simply write your thoughts to You can expect instant assistance.

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