Tag Archives: Explosion of Gas Tank

What Are the Dangers of Gas Tank Leaks? Here’s the Answer

Hello truckers, greeting from ThinkTrade Inc. Sometimes we think what would be our blog without you? We would hardly have any visitors, any comments or feedback’s… In short, we would be left deserted in the virtual world. So here comes again, we thank you for your support and love you have showered us all the while.

The rate of accidents has rapidly increased and here in this blog we shall talk about the dangers of Gas Tank Leaks. According to the recent study, U.S. Fire Departments and National Fire Protection Association responded to an average of 287,000 vehicle fire each year, causing an average of 480 deaths in civilians. However, driving with leaking fuel tanks in big rigs and buried heating units pose a huge safety risk to drivers and families because of the flammability of the fuel. Continue reading