Tag Archives: Resource for Women in Trucking

Fierceness and female drivers

If you were asked to name the fiercest animal in the animal kingdom, how would you respond? Would your initial reaction be to say it would be a bear, a lion, or a tiger?  How about a snake or crocodile?

Notice I used the word, “fiercest,” and not words like intimidating, scary or deadly.  One of the definitions of fierce is, “intense in activity or feeling, vigorous or ardent.”  I used this term because I think the most amazing and intense and vigorous animal is the hummingbird.

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Support in advancing our mission

For fourteen years the Women In Trucking Association has been the only organization whose mission is to encourage and advance the employment of women in trucking. We have always represented ALL women in the industry, or as we like to say, the women who design, build, fix, drive, or own trucks.

Since 2007, we have been the lone voice for our members, but now that is changing.  We are being joined by other groups that share our goal to bring more women into the industry. We are extremely proud to be an integral part of three national initiatives.

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Women In Trucking joins broad coalition calling for passage of legislation to promote service in transportation.

As the need for professional drivers continues, the Women In Trucking Association (WIT) is joining with more than thirty groups to support federal funding to highlight careers in all areas of transportation.

The Promoting Service in Transportation Act (H.R. 3310 and S. 1681) asks legislators to authorize funding for the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) to garner exposure for jobs in trucking, aviation, rail and maritime.  They would create a series of public service announcements for print, broadcast and digital media to encourage these careers.

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Came across an interesting article in Big G Express Inc. through WIT eNews for July 2017. Check out here. We want this to be posted immediately in our blog to spread it across to our users and followers. ThinkTrade Inc. is an allied partner support Women In Trucking Association by offering 20% flat discount to WIT members to eFile 2290 Heavy Vehicle Use Tax returns using code “2290WIT2019“. Infact we’re a tax software development company owned and managed by a women, we feel proud to support and part of WIT. Here we go right into that article…

Resource for Women in Trucking

Being a woman in trucking definitely has its challenges. This career is hard enough, but it’s also important that you’re equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to do your job well, to stay safe, and to get the support you need for a long and successful career. Big G makes safety a priority across the board – not only behind the wheel, but also by encouraging the women on the Big G team (and throughout the industry) to have the resources and skills to protect themselves wherever they are.

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