Tag Archives: TaxExcise.com

Why it’s important for taxpayers to know their filing status

When a taxpayer files their tax return, they need to know their filing status. What folks should remember is that a taxpayer’s status could change during the year. So, any time is a good a time for a taxpayer to learn about the different filing statuses and which one is best for them.

Knowing the correct filing status can help taxpayers determine several things about filing their tax return:

  • Is the taxpayer required to file a federal tax return or should they file to receive a refund?
  • What is their standard deduction amount?
  • Is the taxpayer eligibility for certain credits?
  • How much tax they should pay?
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One last day to go for 2019 deadline to report HVUT returns Form 2290 for Tax Year June 2019 – June 2020

You just have hours to go through the day that is the deadline for many truckers to report and pay the Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns with the IRS. Taxpayers who must file Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return, have no time to do so this year. That said, the deadline will be here before they know it. Taxpayers must file their 2019 Form 2290 by Tuesday, September 3. Normally, the due date is August 31. However, this year the weekend and a federal holiday extended the 2019 date. Use this extended dead line for the year and report this annual advance vehicle use tax on your highway by the time it is done.

Form 2290 eFiling is best and fast at TaxExcise.com and Tax2290.com, the IRS Authorized electronic filing service provider, the most experienced in the list. In fact the 1st ever IRS authorized provider since 2007. Anyone who has registered or is required to register a heavy highway motor vehicle must file Form 2290. While some taxpayers who file this form are required to do so electronically, all 2290 filers can file online. These taxpayers can use their credit or debit card or EFTPS or EFW (direct debit) to pay the Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax.

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Good tax planning includes good Record Keeping

Tax planning should happen all year long, not just when someone is filing their tax return.  An important part of tax planning is record keeping. Well-organized records make it easier for a taxpayer to prepare their tax return. It can also help provide answers if a taxpayer’s return is selected for examination or if the taxpayer receives an IRS notice.

This tip is one in a series about tax planning. These tips focus on steps taxpayers can take now to help them down the road.

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Excise Tax Return is Due by April 30th, Efile with TaxExcise.com today

Greetings from ThinkTrade Inc, hope you are doing good. Today being Tuesday, our team has decided to make this day efficient by passing on the message for Excise Tax filers about the due date for filing Form 720, the Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Return. Form 720 is for businesses that are dwelled in sales of goods, services and products. Usually, the taxes are included in the goods the customers purchase like gasoline for the car and when you pick up your flight tickets. This tax is paid by the businesses who are dealing with gasoline and airlines. Continue reading