Monthly Archives: August 2021

Women In Trucking Association to offer LeadHER Trucking mentor program

Oprah Winfrey once said, “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself.”  We know that mentors are important to each of us in advancing our careers and finding the hope inside ourselves.  The Women In Trucking Association (WIT) is offering a program focused on matching female drivers who are new to the industry, with women who have been behind the wheel for years.

In an effort to understand the needs of female commercial drivers WIT partnered with Sawgrass Logistics to conduct research identifying their challenges.  One of the questions involved their driver training and whether they were offered a mentor or not.  Unfortunately, 84 percent said they had not been given the option to work with a mentor.  Those drivers who were provided with a mentor reported that twelve percent were matched with a male mentor and only three percent were given a female mentor.

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August 31 is the deadline and just 9 days to go, efile Form 2290 today. is the fastest and easiest website to efile 2290 HVUT returns with the IR, the best way to Receive the Schedule 1 proof copy instantly.

The Form 2290 to report and pay the Federal Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax returns with the IRS for the Tax Filing Period July 2021 through June 2022 is now due for renewal. It’s trucker tax season again. Taxpayers who register, or are required to register, large trucks and buses should get ready to file Tax Year 2021 Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return.

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Fierceness and female drivers

If you were asked to name the fiercest animal in the animal kingdom, how would you respond? Would your initial reaction be to say it would be a bear, a lion, or a tiger?  How about a snake or crocodile?

Notice I used the word, “fiercest,” and not words like intimidating, scary or deadly.  One of the definitions of fierce is, “intense in activity or feeling, vigorous or ardent.”  I used this term because I think the most amazing and intense and vigorous animal is the hummingbird.

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