Tag Archives: excise tax

Thanking people for doing their job.

This week I traveled to Australia to speak at a conference. On my flight from Sydney to Perth, I was pulled aside for additional screening for explosives. The agent passed a wand over my luggage, my shoes and my hands. He then put the wand into a reader before he let me go. I thanked him for doing his job and went on my way.

On my return flight, I was again “selected” for additional screening and went through the process again. I made a point to thank the agent for doing his job.

Many people would feel inconvenienced for being pulled aside for additional screening. However, these people are only doing their job. They are asked to pick travelers at random and check them for explosives. Did I enjoy the process? No . Did I appreciate the delay? No . However, I did appreciate the fact that these people were helping to keep us all safe by looking for potential explosive material. Continue reading

A little history….

March is Women’s History Month, so I thought this blog should be about the history of the Women In Trucking Association through my experience as the founder. I am repeatedly asked the question of why I started the organization, so here is my story.

First, I’ll go back many years to “set the stage.”  I was one of the lucky people whose mom told me I could do anything I wanted, and there were no “girl” careers. She encouraged me when I took shop class instead of home ick (okay, home ec).  I learned woodworking, welding, drafting and auto mechanics.  Continue reading

ThinkTrade Inc., Wishes everyone a Happy Veterans day!

Happy Veterans Day

Triumph is only for those who are not afraid and never quits!

Our veterans accepted the responsibility to defend America and uphold our values when duty called, so true without their services & Sacrifices we would have not been enjoying the freedom that we have today. On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free. Continue reading

Form 2290, Form 720 & IFTA all Three Taxes are Due NOW!

Those who are wise won’t be busy, and those who are too busy can’t be wise.  ― Lin Yutang

Well no matter how wise you are, if you are an Excise Tax Payer You are damn busy this month. That is simply because of the fact that it’s not 1 or 2 but Three Taxes are DUE as of now. The only E-file Service Provider who can cover you up for all the Three Taxes is www.Tax2290.com / www.TaxExcise.com – Products of Think Trade Inc.

The List of Taxes that are due: Continue reading

Form 720, Quarterly Excise Tax Return for 4th Quarter of 2017 is due NOW!

Form 720 is a quarterly excise tax return that some; businesses must file with the Internal Revenue Service. According to the IRS, “Excise taxes are taxes paid when purchases are made on a specific goods, such as gasoline. Excise taxes are often included in the price of the product. There are also excise taxes on activities, such as on wagering or on highway usage by trucks.” If you accrue excise taxes in the course of doing business, you should know the rules on filing 720 taxes.

Who Must File

If, as a business entity, you were liable for any of the federal excise taxes listed by the IRS on Form 720, Parts I and II, you must file the form. The excise taxes included in Part I are such items as petroleum spill taxes and ozone-depleting chemical tax; communications and air transportation taxes; fuel taxes for diesel, kerosene, gasoline, and other gases; coal and tire manufacturing taxes.

In Part II, the IRS enumerates such excise taxes as those related to the sales of sport fishing and archery, inland waterways fuel use taxes and Bio-fuel sold, but not used as fuel. Continue reading

Time to Prepare and File your 2017 4th Quarter IFTA!


The deadline to file your 2017’s 4th Quarter IFTA Return is January 31, 2018. A Quarterly IFTA Tax Return must be filed even if the licensee does not operate or purchase any taxable fuel in an IFTA member jurisdiction during the quarter.


What you need:

  1. Mileage log-whether you use manual trip sheets, GPS, or electronic trip sheets; it is not only necessary to have in order to file your quarterly IFTA return, but you will need these if you are even audited.
  2. Fuel Receipts-you will need to know how many gallons of fuel were purchased in each state.


Options to prepare and file your return:

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2017’s Taxes that are due by January 2018!

www.Taxexcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – a product of Think Trade Inc wishes you all a very Happy New Year. A fresh new year is once again upon us. It’s the time to be thankful for the blessings of the past year and to take stock of all our achievements. At the same time, New Year 2017 is a brand new year to start afresh, to start strong, and yet another chance to do everything we want to do this year.

Hope you all had a great holiday season; it’s now time to get back to business & take care of the last obligations of 2017. Though Fiscal year 2017 has ended there are few Taxes of 2017 that are due this month i.e. January 2018. Below are the list of Tax Forms that are due by January 2018 & those are supported by www.Taxexcise.com / www.Tax2290.com – a Product of Think trade Inc. Continue reading

List of ThinkTrade Inc’s Services – You Need This Month!

ListThinkTrade Inc is authorized and certified by IRS to offer e-filing services for federal excise and extension taxes. There are various Tax Forms, Supported by ThinkTrade Inc under the banner of www.taxexcise.com / www.ExtensionTax.com / www.tax2290.com . One can say for sure that there are no months without some or the other tax deadline. Right now we are in the month of April and we know that there is a huge list of tax Forms that are due this month.


Below are the lists of Tax Forms that are due this Month, than can be filed through ThinkTrade Inc’s Line of Applications: Continue reading

Think Trade Inc & its Line of products

ThinkTrade Inc, a leading tax preparation software provider Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, we offer high-end technology solutions and services. Since its inception, we have left our imprints behind, working harder towards one goal, customer delight. This article will briefly explain about the line of products & services that are offered under the banner of Think Trade Inc: Continue reading

IRS Form 2290: Excise Tax- Part-1

Truckers are backbone of the nation and the continuous effort they put forward makes us hard to picture our lives without them. Whether food, water supplies or medicines, truckers bring them to us, on time.

However, apart from making their on-time deliveries, filing form 2290 is mandatory for truckers in order to pay a tribute to the nation for using the public highway. Of course, there is no way they would escape from the same as this implies to the suspended and exempt vehicles as well.

IRS form 2290 is a part of excise tax filed in the U.S and it is no new thing for truckers to learn about form 2290 and we are thankful to them for keeping the highways properly maintained. However, in this blog we shall discuss some of the basic and essential facts related to 2290 form, also helpful for truckers filing the IRS form for the first time. Continue reading