Services Offered by ThinkTrade Inc.,

ThinkTrade Inc. started in 2002 has grown leaps and bounds ever since. Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, we offer high-end technology solutions and services. Since its inception, we have left our imprints behind, working harder towards one goal, customer delight.

ThinkTrade Inc. operates across onsite and offshore locations and comprises of dedicated professionals, industry leaders with years of expertise and knowledge. The remarkable industry experience has made us impeccable and one of its kind. Continue reading

Basic Errors Tax payers make while E-filing Form 2290

Greetings Tax payers, Nobody is perfect all the times especially when it comes to taxes Mistakes do happen. But when it comes to e-filing with a bit of carefulness we can avoid few basic errors that are made by tax payers very often. Think Trade Inc being pioneers in e-filing form 2290, it becomes our responsibility to keep you all updated with the common errors committed by Excise tax payers while E-filing Form 2290. Continue reading

Think Trade Inc & its Line of products

ThinkTrade Inc, a leading tax preparation software provider Headquartered in Franklin, Tennessee, we offer high-end technology solutions and services. Since its inception, we have left our imprints behind, working harder towards one goal, customer delight. This article will briefly explain about the line of products & services that are offered under the banner of Think Trade Inc: Continue reading

Think Trade Inc and its Partners

ThinkTrade Inc officially began its operations in 2002 & has grown tremendously ever since. In this article we would love to expose our partners & associations that we are a part to the world. The list a huge one and we can publish few editions of books with the list.
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What is the value of Women In Trucking Association?

Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Women In Trucking Association (WIT) started with a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens who were focused on increasing the percentage of women employed in the trucking industry. In the eight years since its inception, the organization is successfully moving its mission forward.
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Forms due by this Month with Think Trade’s Line of Products, a product of Think Trade Inc., A BBB accredited, IRS authorized E-file service provider for all kinds of Excise taxes like Form 2290, Form 720, Form 8849 etc. The following article describes about the Tax Forms that are due by January 31st 2016. Continue reading

Increasing Safety through Driver Training

Recently a young (23-year-old) professional driver maneuvered her loaded tractor-trailer onto a 19th century bridge in Paoli, Indiana. The driver held a commercial driver’s license (CDL), but apparently the definition of a ton was not part of the curriculum. The bridge was posted with a six ton weight limit while the tractor-trailer weighed closer to 30 tons, or 60,000 pounds.

She admitted that she did not understand the definition of a ton, which she should have learned in a grade school math class as “a unit of weight equivalent to 2,000 pounds.” The driver had taken a wrong turn and was using the bridge to get back on track and demolished the bridge, the truck and her career in the process.
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Transferring Your Schedule 1 Copy, from one Truck to another

Do you need to transfer your Schedule 1 copy from one truck to another? If you Changed vehicles or purchased a new one in December of 2015, then the Vehicle first used in December have a 2290 filing deadline of January 31st!

Even though there is still plenty of time to file your 2290. It only takes about 10 minutes to E-file a Form 2290. So if you’ve recently switched vehicles, it’s time to get in gear and get yourself E-filed before the deadline. Continue reading

Merry Christmas from us to You

Truckers welcome to the special edition of our blog, coming to you from all of us here at Think Trade Inc. It’s a very special time of the year, but for truck drivers the chance being home with family and friends, remains as a dream year after year. For many other truck drivers, it’s another day of progress. We don’t know where you’ll be today, with your family or on the road working hard for us, but we want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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E-Filing HVUT Tax Form 2290 – What to Expect From Your Efile Service Provider

Expectation is one thing that no one can live without. It is popularly said that Expectations lead to disappointment, Human brain is ready to accept it but every heart that beats always lives with expectations of some sort. “An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality.” So Genuine expectations are good for a healthy lifestyle and its betterment. A very common word in trucking Industry especially during the months of July & August is HVUT Tax Form 2290. This is one of the taxes imposed on truckers by the IRS. Any vehicle with a gross weight of 55,000 lbs or above has to have a Tax Form 2290 filed on it. The most preferred mode of filing is getting it done online. Continue reading