Tag Archives: tax form 2290

IRS Notice Information & Upcoming August 31 HVUT Form 2290 Deadline

Mistakes are a part of life, we take action and we learn from them. Most mistakes made on tax returns are due to trial or human error and can be easily corrected by filing amendments. There are however few instances where certain errors might go unnoticed and the IRS will send you a notice by mail to keep you informed. The notice or letter will explain the reason for the contact and brief you with detailed instructions on how to have this resolved.

There are many reasons why the IRS may send a letter or notice. It typically is about a specific issue on your federal tax return or tax account. The IRS generally sends notices and letters based on the following grounds:

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Deadline to file and pay heavy highway vehicle use tax is Aug. 31

The deadline to file and pay heavy highway vehicle use tax is Monday, August 31. All taxpayers who file Form 2290 are encouraged to do so electronically. Those with 25 or more taxed vehicles must e-file. All the information needed to file is on the Trucking Tax Center.

Taxpayers who e-file can get a stamped Schedule 1 within minutes after the IRS accepts the form. Due to COVID-19, those who choose to file on paper can expect a significant delay in receiving their IRS stamped Schedule 1.

Tax2290 eFile with 2020

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Form 2290 Tax Season and time for Truckers to report and pay

Truckers, owner operators and heavy haulers need to report vehicle use tax Form 2290 on vehicles put to use on public highways. IRS Form 2290 is used to report and pay Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, or HVUT. You must file Form 2290 with Schedule 1 annually if a taxable highway motor vehicle, in this case any heavy vehicle weighing 55,000 lbs or more, is registered in your name in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico.

The highway use tax (HVUT Form 2290) applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. 2290 tax returns must be filed and tax payments must be paid by August. 31st for the heavy motor vehicles used on the road during July. The deadline generally applies to Form 2290 and the accompanying tax payment for the tax year that begins July 1, 2020, and ends June 30, 2021. For motor vehicles first used after July, the deadline is the last day of the month following the month of first use.

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2290 Electronic filing: WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY…?

Tax 2290 is the federal vehicle use tax form reported across the states with the IRS in a year between July and June. The tax year starts from July 2020 to June 2021 and IRS watermarked Schedule 1 proof is the valid document to show that it is been paid for the listed vehicle. Here let us see what it is is, when it is reported, how it is paid and many.


  • The IRS tax form 2290 is used to prepare and report the highway heavy vehicle use taxes on motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more.
  • Form 2290 and Schedule -1 could be prepared and reported electronically with the IRS, anyone who requires to file 2290s can use TaxExcise.com to file it electronically.
  • Electronic filing is safe, secured and fast; quickest way of filing 2290 returns with the IRS.
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IRS offers additional retail partners that accept cash payments for federal taxes

The Internal Revenue Service today announced additional retail partners are accepting cash payments for federal taxes. This cash payment option is for individual and business taxpayers.

The IRS’ continuing partnership with ACI Worldwide’s OfficialPayments.com and the PayNearMe Company allows taxpayers to make a payment without a bank account or credit card at participating 7-Eleven stores, Ace Cash Express and Casey’s General Stores nationwide.

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IRS urges taxpayers to use electronic options; outlines online assistance

Today the IRS has urged people to use electronic services in a new release (Issue Number: IR-2020-68) and announced that is it closing the Taxpayer Assistance Centers and stop processing paper returns etc. The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers and tax professionals to use electronic options to support social distancing and speed the processing of tax returns, refunds and payments.

Federal Excise Tax Filing can be made online at TaxExcise.com and we’re operational with limited resources remotely to support businesses that needs to support excise taxes online and for truck operators to report the Federal Vehicle Use Tax returns online. Connect to us at (866) 245 – 3918 or write to us at support@taxexcise.com.

To protect the public and employees, and in compliance with orders of local health authorities around the country, certain IRS services such as live assistance on telephones, processing paper tax returns and responding to correspondence are extremely limited or suspended until further notice. All Taxpayer Assistance Centers remain temporarily closed as are many volunteer tax preparation sites until further notice. This will not affect the IRS’s ability to deliver Economic Impact Payments, which taxpayers will begin receiving next week. 

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Are you ready for 2290 eFile? Four best practices for maximizing your 2290 return acceptance by IRS in one go

Electronic filing is the fastest way to get your returns processed by the IRS. For many owner operators and trucking businesses, 2290 tax reporting is crucial and IRS watermarked Schedule 1 proof is required to register the vehicle with the state authorities and to renew their permits. You don’t want to wait the whole day at a taxpayer assistance center to report 2290 taxes? then move on and choose efile for convenient and comfortable filing.

Remember IRS is encouraging every trucker and 2290 tax filer to choose eFile for faster and accurate filing, and also to receive back the IRS watermarked schedule 1 proof in minutes. Those days are long gone. Today 50% of the 2290 tax filers choose electronic filing, where IRS mandates efile for carriers reporting 25 or more trucks in a return.

Pro rated taxes are also due now for heavy motor trucks that is first used in October 2019 for the first time on a public highway since July 2019. November 30 is the due date and start with eFiling at http://Tax2290.com. ordering online in October or earlier, and they keep spending until after those post-holiday sales are over. 

eFile allows you to spend time with your business fortune and we take care of your 2290 filing needs. There are four best practices to get ready and maximize the chance of obtaining IRS watermarked Schedule 1 proof in one go.

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Truckers should e-file highway use tax return by Sept. 3

IRS recently shared a release (Issue Number: IR-2019-138) covering the due date for reporting and paying the Federal Vehicle Use Tax form 2290. Yes, September 3rd is the due date this year (Tax Year 2019-20). the usual deadline is August 31 and it falls on a weekend, so the deadline is pushed to the next business day. Here it is from the IRS release…

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today issued a reminder for owners of most heavy highway vehicles that the time to file Form 2290, Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return, began July 1, 2019.

The highway use tax applies to highway motor vehicles with a taxable gross weight of 55,000 pounds or more. This generally includes large trucks, truck tractors and buses. The tax is based on the weight of the vehicle and a variety of special rules apply. These special rules are explained in the instructions to Form 2290.

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Prepare yourself, your vehicle before highway trips in extreme heat

It’s summer and must-have items include fully charged cellphone, drinking water, umbrella… with merciless temperatures forecast over the coming days, be sure you and your vehicle are prepared before traveling on highways across the state highways. Motorists should always be ready for the possibility of becoming stranded, but that need is even more critical in extreme heat.

For you and your passengers: Have extra drinking water for everyone in the vehicle, including pets, an umbrella for shade and a fully charged cellphone. Pro tip: Take a cooler to keep extra drinking water cold, and consider adding several frozen bottles of water to use for cooling off or to thaw and drink if needed.

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Trucking isn’t so different!

I was recently reading a trade journal when I found an article titled “The Seven Percent.”* It was about the lack of women in the industry and how the numbers aren’t moving fast enough.

The statistics showed that there is currently a significant operator shortage, and more than 320,000 new operators will be needed within the next ten years.  To add to the deficit, the average operator is about 46 years old, and more than forty percent are over the age of 50.

The article described the lack of women in the profession is crucial.  Although women accounted for nearly 13 percent of students, only seven percent of them ended up working in the field.  Continue reading