Category Archives: Commons


New Year’s Resolutions

If you’re goal is to drop a few pounds in the coming year, you’re not alone. The top New Year’s resolution last December was to lose weight. The second most common resolution was to “get organized,” followed by spending less or saving more. The fourth top New Year’s resolution was to “enjoy life to the fullest,” and the fifth most common goal was to stay fit and healthy.

More than half of us make a promise to change something as the calendar turns from one year to the next. How many of us actually succeed? The odds are good that you keep your promise through the first week in January, but less than half of us keep our resolutions for six months, and according to only eight percent of us achieve success in maintaining that New Year’s objective. Continue reading

Are You Following Us On Social Media? If No, Read Through:

For most of us here, social media has become a very important routine of our lives. It has taken our live for a toll, which was totally unexpected. Internet became a mainstream in the year 1998 and since then, our world is changed online. We follow people; we share our word of wisdom and secretly feel happy about the list of followers, viewers and comment we receive. We wake up with these worlds and end our day with them. They are more like a breathing tool for us and thus, they hold the nerve of our lives. Everything that happens in the world are updated on the social media and following them online is the most easiest of the lot, even if you are sitting at the other corner of the world. Continue reading

Tax Survival Guide For The Dealing With Tax

Every month is a tax season for truckers. Although we complete our tax payment in the month of July- august, truckers who bring their new vehicle on road any time after the tax season are liable to file and pay tax due by the end of the second month of the first use. The journey to deliveries to the tax season is filed with obstacles of temper flares, incorrect information, tax scams, broken calculators, and mountains of stress so tall they can block out the sun. You WILL survive these obstacles and make it through tax season with a smile on your face.

ThinkTrade Inc owns multiple products for truckers, associations and individuals. And this blog is all about tax survival training. Continue reading

IRS Scheduled MEF Maintenance Starts Today. Efile Your First Time Used Vehicles.

Attention Tax filers, we have an update for you

Each year, by the end, IRS typically shuts down the MEF (Modernized E-file system) for maintenance. MEF is the online system through, which submits our IRS tax form return.

We just got the information that, today, Friday, 26th December 2014 at 1:30 pm the IRS MEF will be blacked out for maintenance and is scheduled to reopen anytime in January 2015. Continue reading

Different Kind Of Vehicles Filed On Form 2290

So truckers, how are you doing today? Did you know you could file various types of vehicles through form 2290? Well, that is the topic of our blog today. We are going to tell you how exactly you can make use of the form to file other types of vehicles other than taxable vehicles.

However, to start with, we will talk about taxable vehicles. Continue reading

Increase in the Number of Tax Returns – IRS Published Reports

The tax filing season for this New Year has already begun and like before there is no way you can escape from filing tax returns. Yes, you can file later but with hefty penalties charged by the IRS. Therefore, it is always advisable to pay your tax dues on time and be in the good books with the IRS. Moreover, you have the option to file from the comfort and convenience of your home and office, thus saving you from the troubles of visiting the IRS office. According to a report presented by the IRS, there has been an increase in the number of tax filers filing tax returns this year. Reading further can help you get more insights on the number of returns filed along with the various ways tax filers filed the tax returns. Continue reading

The Hero Of Snowstorm, Bret Houston

Welcome back truckers. Winters have been the most pleasant season and the kids look forward for the snow, making iceman on the porch, ice skiing with family, throwing jumbo ice balls on friends, making memories. However, the recent snowstorm hitting the nation has shaken up everyone and still people are making their way towards home, some still stuck in school and workplace, grocery shop. Phone lines are jammed like the traffic on road and, the frozen sheet of ice and snarling highways make them wonder how they would over cross this hurdle. Continue reading

A Gratitude Filled Salutation For Our Truckers To Make Our Small World Worth It!

With the winter slipping into our world, snow is dominating the roads than what your rigs are supposed to be doing now. Sometimes, we’re so bind with work, we really don’t have enough time other than making deliveries, filling in the log book and of course resting. However, the dedication and the affection you own for the nation cover it up, making it look pretty that even if you miss something, it does not make a big difference. Nation comes first, and that is the best part of being a trucker.

You know what impresses us the most about you truckers is the passion for  trucking that runs in the blood. We will tell you how. The other day, we were at the beach, chilling after a hectic week. From a distance, we saw some kids playing, building castles and their mums were around to have an eye on their toddlers. In no time, we saw a small boy, moving half the size of his truck filled with mud, making his way towards the mud castle. Everyone looked at him and he announced, “I will become like my dad, hard working and passionate about what I do”. It left us speechless, stunned by the thought. He was small to decide about his career but he did.  Continue reading

What To Fill In Your Log Book? Find it here

As life is moving behind the wheels in speed, maintaining log books are neglected sometimes. These commercial truck drivers’ move around the country to deliver goods and thus,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a branch of U.S. government owns the authority to regulate the industry and also administer federal laws.

Federal laws regulate the number of hours you can operate behind the wheels before taking a mandatory rest period and also, it is mandatory to maintain a record of daily routine in an official log book. Continue reading

What Are the Dangers of Gas Tank Leaks? Here’s the Answer

Hello truckers, greeting from ThinkTrade Inc. Sometimes we think what would be our blog without you? We would hardly have any visitors, any comments or feedback’s… In short, we would be left deserted in the virtual world. So here comes again, we thank you for your support and love you have showered us all the while.

The rate of accidents has rapidly increased and here in this blog we shall talk about the dangers of Gas Tank Leaks. According to the recent study, U.S. Fire Departments and National Fire Protection Association responded to an average of 287,000 vehicle fire each year, causing an average of 480 deaths in civilians. However, driving with leaking fuel tanks in big rigs and buried heating units pose a huge safety risk to drivers and families because of the flammability of the fuel. Continue reading